Where - 545 Church St, Richmond
Price - $24.00 ($16 Parma Night Wednesday)
Website - https://www.royalsaxon.com/
The Royal Saxon is one of those pubs that I’m just amazed that we haven’t reviewed yet. It’s a nice looking pub in a popular area with a parma on the menu, and as far as I can tell they’ve been around since at least 2013 and yet they have managed to fly under our radar for all this time (although it does seem like they had less of a pub gribe vibe and more of an Italian fine dining thing going in the early days, so a parma may not have been on the menu).
It was a fine-ish Melbourne Sunday when I got the hankering for a parma, so I checked our recent suggestion list and the Royal Saxon was sitting on the top… Why the hell not. So we loaded up into the car and headed out to see what they had to offer.
I can’t tell you much about the inside of the Saxon as the outdoor area was so inviting we spent very little time indoors, almost immediately curling around to the left and grabbing a table in the leafy shade of the beer garden.
My heart sank when I saw the “Mr Yum” logo on the QR code at our table. Had I inadvertantly brought us to yet another Australian Venue Company Pub?? Thankfully not, as far as I can tell (nothing against the AVC, we’ve just been visiting their pubs a lot lately and wanted to try something new), the Royal Saxon just happens to also use Mr Yum like the AVC pubs do.
The QR code loaded up the menu and we took a gander at our target for the day…
Sounds good to me! We ordered via the app, along with a side of flatbread with edamame hummus to kick things off. We had arrived just after noon and the Royal Saxon opens at 12 on Sunday’s so we pretty much had the place to ourselves, not to mention the service was super quick, so faster than you could say “Dinki-Di” our flatbreads and parmas emerged from the kitchen.
But I’ll get to those in a sec, because this is the part of the review where I talk about the beers that they have on tap. The influx of online menus this past year has made this part of my job super easy, as rather than having to remember what beers are on tap I can just open up Mr Yum again and check the tap list. Lets see… We’ve got Peroni, Bentspoke, Burnley Brewing, Carlton, Jetty Road, Ballistec, Coopers, Balter, Pirate Life, Four Pines, 3 Ravens, Green Beacon, Mountain Goat and Asahi along with some ciders and seltzers, not a bad selection by any stretch! I decided to be a slave to current trends and ordered the Moon Dog seltzler to accompany my Sunday parma. Oh yeah the parma! Lets talk about that.
On first bite I have to say that The Royal Saxon put up one of the crunchiest chicken schnitzels I’ve tried in recent memory, perhaps ever. I don’t know what they did with those crumbs, but every bite carried a crispy snap like you would not believe.
The chicken itself was pure white chicken breast, well cooked and flavoursome. Not the biggest schnitzel I’ve seen, but thick enough and not trying to hide anything. I already mentioned the speed of the service, but in this case quick parma = hot parma, as this one was served piping hot and fresh as can be.
The toppings were pretty good, but didn’t floor me like the world’s crunchiest schnitzel did. A very cheddar-heavy and generous cheese blend on top was grilled to requisite gooeyness with a light golden brown finish.
The virginia ham was appreciated but didn’t add a whole lot to the flavour profile of the dish, however the napoli sauce is where I feel things fell apart a little - it was plain, smooth napoli sauce, not a single chunk of tomato to be seen and seemed as if it had possibly come straight from a tin. It was fine, but a bit of a disappointment considering the rest of the elements of the parma were so strong (especially when you check out the Royal Saxon’s Instagram, a photo of the parma from about 4 weeks ago showing some sort of greenery amongst the cheese that seemed very intruiging) .
The chippies were good. Piping hot like the parma and served with a side of faithful ol’ tomato sauce for dipping (not requested, it just came like that). Plenty of them and served beside, not under the parma. Could have used a little more seasoning, but a minor quibble on what was overall a damn fine serve of chips.
At first glance the salad looked pretty boring, but on tucking in I found it was topped with a unique dressing with flavours that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Possibly mint? I’m not too sure, but it was tasty, enjoyable and elevated what looked like a pretty ordinary salad to something quite flavoursome.
I’m pretty happy paying $24 for the parma we received, It was constructed with quality ingredients and was overall a damn tasty feed. If you’re on the hunt for a bargain the Saxon is currently offering a $16 parma night on Wednesdays, definitely worth checking out if you’re in the area.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that the Royal Saxon also has a full menu dedicated to treats for your dog, ranging from jerky to beef patties to “doggy stew”, perfect for the goodest boy or girl in your life.
Overall the Royal Saxon offers up a pretty tasty, well constructed parma that I greatly enjoyed, it may sound like a minor thing to focus on but the crunch to the crumbs was fantastic and almost worth the price of admission right there. The toppings were fine, but I think are missing that certain je ne sais quoi that would have made it phenomenal. Perhaps those missing green things were the key.
Worth a crack though! Great beer garden too.